The Books I have planned

Please come back here to see the progress reports

In Total I have 42 stories/books across 6 different worlds {But the numbers will grow}

I have 3 main storylines that have at least 17 stories planned across 3 worlds

I will try to make all of these books stand alone but it is recommended to read more than one in a timeline {Preferably in order} as most characters will overlap in each book and you might get some back story not mentioned in their book or see after their story of a character but it is completely ok to read only one you will still get a completed story {Reading all in order is basically bonus content you wouldn’t get otherwise}

~The Main Timeline~

The LunaSolis Ocusclora

{Currently Writing~1% Done}

This will be the First Offical book to start all the others


Subject to Change

Once Upon a Time, There were two gods that were madly in love and wanted to make a world where they could rule together. 

They made a family, and they had kids, Seven kids so they wouldn't be alone. 

They thought it was still too empty so they made a town, a village, and people. 

They wanted to rule, She wanted to rule, But she didn’t, She couldn’t. 

One of the gods started to let the magic and power get to her head, she started to crave more power more magic, she needed more.

The two gods had fights about ruling over the people and the magic. 

It split them up, it split the world up, it split the people up. 

One vs the other, Light vs Dark, The Sun vs The Moon. 

The kids got split up into The Moon Children and The Sun Children. 

The Moon Children are Lux, Bul, and Spectra. 

The Sun Children are Balam, Terra, and Mul. 

But there was one more child that wasn't a Moon or a Sun Child, but, Both.

She is an Eclipse Child, Both the Moon and Sun Child, but the gods know that an Eclipse Child shouldn’t exist, they would be too powerful, just as powerful as the gods or more powerful than the gods, more powerful than them, they need to split her just like the world split, she just needs to be split in two.

The two gods will come together to make sure the Eclipse Child will not overthrow the gods.


{Premise~25-50% Done}

This follows after The LunaSolis Ocusclora

~ Vary Loose Premice~

Subject to Change

Diana a young girl lost her baby twin sisters in a house fire and is on a journey to find them as she is being hunted by the Army General Sally post-war


{Premise~1% Done}

~ Vary Vary Loose Premice~

Subject to Change

A tavern worker in a mysterious world that got Isekaied into the real world

"Isekaied" is a term that refers to being transported or reincarnated into a new or unfamiliar world

Victorian School

The Carnival

~The Real World Timeline~

Gay Plot Twist

Gun Knife


~ Vary Vary Loose Premice~

Subject to Change

A gas station worker in the real world that got Isekaied into a mysterious world

"Isekaied" is a term that refers to being transported or reincarnated into a new or unfamiliar world

KbD/FbL {FanFic}


I started writing this in 2017 when I was 15 so it’s bad but I will try to rework it into the timelines

FbL/KbD {FanFic}

This is supposed to be a parallel to KbD as in it happens at the same time

Run Away


~The Lovers Timeline~

Vampire Vampire Hunter

The Crystal Heart

I wrote a short story in 4th grade and thought I could expand on it

True Loves First Kiss

Vampire Twilight 2

I had a dream of what I would call near the end of a book and woke up and wrote it down immediately {Funny I named it Vampire Twilight 2 because that’s exactly how Stephenie Meyer (The person who wrote twilight) came up with twilight}


~The Horror Timeline~

Haunted Mansion - Decent into Madness

Haunted Mansion - Discovery

New-Old {FanFic}


Older than KbD


~The Core Timeline~

I would like to make books in this series Themed around Aesthetics




~The Fairytale Timeline~ {Re-Writes}

I’m not sure if I want this series to be about Cute Romance/My ReTelling of these stories or +18 Smut that’s purposely badly written

I love fairytales and the brother’s grim stories and they are in the public domain so I would like to take public domain things and rewrite them

~ Not sure what order to put them in yet

Snow White

Alice in Wonderland

The Little Mermaid

Beauty and the Beast

Little Red Riding Hood

Sleeping Beauty
